We are a friendly mixed voice choir of some 70 Singers and, led by our dynamic Musical Director, Julian Collings, and accompanied by our skilled accompanist, Elspeth Wilkes, we will be having a “first run-through” of Verdi’s Requiem which we plan to sing at our Summer Concert on Saturday, June 14th. Scores can be provided.
Arrive at 7.30 for a 7.45 start. We will finish at 9.45 and some of us round off the evening with a visit to the Pig and Whistle in Sheen Lane SW14 8LP.
The church is easy to find by car and there is free parking in the surrounding residential streets. It’s a short walk from the Gilpin Avenue bus stop on the Upper Richmond Road (Buses 33, 337, 493), the nearest station is Mortlake. Bicycles can be brought into the church and left at the back.
You can email membership@barneschoir.org.uk for more information or to let us know you plan to come, or just turn up.
We look forward to welcoming you.
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