What Is the Mayoral legacy of Rochdale
21st June 2013
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New Mayor Peter Rush states in his speech that he wants the legacy of his mayoral year to be the re-birth of Rochdale, The Pennines, Heywood and Middleton as manufacturing towns. ' Textile and engineering skills are part of what makes our borough special. Yet too often in the past decades we have ignored our unique selling point for jobs and employment.' The mayor will be visiting manufacturing companies, championing apprenticeships and encouraging maths and science teaching in our schools. He goes on to state ' we have great clusters of manufacturing excellence in our towns. Sometimes we take these for granted, sometimes we don't value them as a source of future employment and wealth. ' His mission is to change these perceptions and encourage Rochdale to be proud of its' manufacturing past and to be positive about our manufacturing future
About the Author

Deborah B

Member since: 23rd February 2013

Local girl, loves Rochdale and the people here.

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