Boundary stones make welcome addition to Whitworth
17th August 2011
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Two brand new boundary stones have been installed in Whitworth at the entrances to the town at Britannia and Healey.

The suggestion for some kind of marker for the Healey end of the town was initially raised at a Town Council meeting by Councillor Karen Ruane.  Aggregate Industries offered to donate two stones to the town of Whitworth, one for either end of the village, and also had them engraved.  The stones are ‘Whitworth Blue’, extracted from the quarry above Cowm Reservoir; Whitworth Blue stone has been used all over the country for hundreds of years, most famously as paving stones in Trafalgar Square.

The stones were installed by John Whittle Construction Ltd; Mr Whittle also donated his time, materials and equipment free of charge.  Rossendale Borough Council provided the land for the stones to sit on and guidance throughout the process, and has also a provided a flower bed in front of the Healey stone; the Whitworth and Healey Horticultural Society made the initial suggestion of producing the boundary signage in stone and helped to choose the actual boulders, and Whitworth Town Council project-managed the process.

Councillor Dave Bradbury, Mayor of Whitworth, said: “The stones look wonderful.  They will provide a constant reminder to residents and visitors alike of Whitworth’s quarrying heritage, and give Whitworth much-needed markers for the entrances to our town.  On behalf of the Town Council I offer sincere thanks to all who helped with the provision of the stones.”

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Kathryn B

Member since: 10th July 2012

Love all things local - but even more so connecting great local businesses in and around the area!

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