Regular PAT Testing is a must for all business owners!
13th January 2011
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Bob and June Austen, owners of Pattestingman, have been highlighting the need for regular maintenance and testing of portable appliances.

A fantastic example of this arose when Bob was testing a four way extension mounted on the wall of a church in Oldham. The connectors in the extension had become so worn out that when Bob tried insert his test plug it fell out and it was decided that the extension clearly needed replacing.

This dangerous extension was immediately brought to the attention of the pastor at the church, who was extremely delighted to have a replacement. When Bob asked him why he was so happy he replied that when the church needed to plug in their sound system (which uses all four plugs on the extension) it took three people to hold the plugs in and one to stack enough Bibles behind them to hold them in place!

Just goes to show that even the might of the Bible is no guarantee of electrical safety, wherever you are! Although on a more serious note, it should be said that the wear on the extension meant that there was no earth connection, making any item plugged in to it potentially very unsafe.

For more information about PAT testing or a free quote please contact Bob on 01706 829 000 or visit

About the Author

Isabella B

Member since: 11th April 2012

I'm Isabella, I live in Bury and I have an interest in all things local and current.

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