A Brochure masterclass from Oxygen Graphics - to help your business grow
8th February 2012
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Do you have a silent salesman?

Whether your existing brochures are looking old and tired, or you know you should get some brochures for your business but have been putting it off, NOW’S the time to pop into Oxygen Graphics on Albert Street in Rugby and let us produce you some nice shiny new brochures.

As well as being excellent designers, we’ve got some great half price deals on brochure printing at the moment.  Come and tell us what you’re after, and we’ll tell you what great price we can do it for.  We can only hold these prices until the end of February though, so don’t dilly dally!!

To make it an effective sales tool, your brochure has to do more than just look fantastic.  We’ve put together some top tips to help you make sure that your business sounds as good as it looks, and attracts the right customers to spend their money with you.

Before you start writing your brochure, think about these questions (and their answers!) and it won’t be long before your competitors are sobbing into their tissues.

What’s the brochure’s purpose?

  • Will you be mailing the brochure by itself or as part of a bigger pack? 
  • Is it for an exhibition? 
  • How will you distribute it? 

Who’s your audience?

  • Existing or prospective customers? 
  • All of them, or just a selection? 
  • Who will be reading it — executives, creatives, techies, kids?

Who should be involved?
It’s best to get decision makers involved at the early stages of putting the brochure content together. Have a brainstorming session to thrash out your ideas.

How much can you spend?

It’s best to know your budget from the outset. That way, we can find the best solution without breaking the bank.

Who’s going to write it?

You got good English grades and want to write the copy yourself? Many people do. Pick up a book on copywriting and get some tips. But edit yourself aggressively. If you can use half the words, do. If you don’t want the hassle of writing it yourself, or you’re uncomfortable about blowing your own trumpet, we do have an experienced copywriter in house who can do it for you!

Who’s going to design it?

You may cook a wicked lasagne, but could you cater for five hundred? If you’ve tinkered with a design package, you may consider designing your brochure yourself. Do so at your peril. You may end up with a lame brochure that does more harm than you think. Leave it to the pros. We’d love to help — get us involved early in the project.

What photography will you use?

Photos sorted already, or will you need some taking? Or will low-cost stock photos do the job? How many will you need?

How much detail do you need?

It’s tempting to include every little nugget of information. Great brochures are often uncluttered, with lots of white space. Keep it clean and relevant to your audience.  Remember – your customers don’t care what you do, they care about what you can do for them!

What are your competitors doing?

Gather together competitors’ brochures. This will help you decide what to cover. You need to look, and sound, at least as good, if not better.
Who’s going to proof it?
Not anyone who’s been involved! People tend to read what they think they’ve written. Use a fresh pair of eyes and meticulously check every detail. It’s worth the effort.
Pop into the Oxygen Graphics offices at 17 Albert Street, Rugby call  Malcolm or Dave on 01788 561 991 or email us on info@oxygengraphics.co.uk.  Have a look at our website, www.oxygengraphics.co.uk if you want to have a look at some of the great things we’ve produced for other people first.


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