Brave Rugby doctor travels to Libya to treat injured
6th September 2011
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A doctor has taken the brave decision to risk his life by travelling to Libya to treat those who are injured in the conflict.



Dr Khaled Sherlala, who works at Coventry’s University Hospital and lives in Rugby, returned to Tripoli where he was born and raised – to help rebuild his home country, treating the very people Colonel Gaddafi and his regime suppressed with the medical supplies found hoarded in his private hospital.




As Mr Sherlala, a consultant radiologist at Walsgrave's University Hospital explained, "We saw what was happening in Tripoli and knew we had to do something."



The doctor travelled to Tunisia with Dr Jama Harisha, a consultant surgeon from Northampton General. From there, they used their medical contacts to collect an ambulance, and drove for days through Gaddafi-controlled regions of Libya to reach the poorly-equipped hospitals in Tripoli, where their assistance was so badly needed.




"It was scary," added Dr Sherlala, "We were driving into the unknown."



During their time in Tripoli, the doctors have witnessed some truly horrific scenes, such as fighters badly wounded with sniper injuries and bodies abandoned in the wards.




However, without their courage, vital skills and introduction of new working patterns to treat the most seriously injured, even more rebels would have died from their wounds before Colonel Gaddafi and his regime were overthrown.

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