Does your image betray you? It doesn't have too.
15th August 2011
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Does Your Image Betray You?

Image is Everything

Ok, so it’s an overused cliché but its nevertheless true (just like wearing your coat indoors — you won’t feel the benefit if you go out).


Customers take seconds to judge how professional your organisation is by the way your marketing and communications look. Unfortunately you may not necessarily be perceived as well as you think you are.

Looking professional isn’t hard. Investing in well crafted design adds pounds to your bottom line. According to the Design Council, two thirds of companies who ignore design have to compete mainly on price. Where does that leave you if your competitors decide to cut their prices? Making little or no profit… or worse… going out of business. Horrible places to be.

If potential customers take one look at your marketing and think “nah thanks”, you’ve lost them at the first hurdle.

You don’t often get a second chance to change their opinion — or if you do, it takes a lot more effort than if you make a great impression first time round.

Oxygen Graphics of Rugby can help with a knockout design – creative and effective artwork is what we do best.


Once your design is crafted, don’t let the side down by just photocopying it onto cheap paper – the message “carrier“ is just as important. Their Premium ranges exude professionalism without comprising your budget. If you don’t take care over the way your marketing looks, potential customers will wonder how much care you take over your work.


Don’t let your image betray you.

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