Mr, Miss and Junior Miss Rugby Competition Winners Crowned
5th March 2012
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This year's winners for Mr, Miss and Junior Miss Rugby were crowned on Saturday 3rd March 2012 at The Indian Community Centre, Edward Street, Rugby. The events was once again organised by Diane Slater.

Jordan Williams and Chelsie Griffin were crowned Mr and Miss Rugby 2012. Emmi Harris was crowned Junior Miss Rugby 2012.

This year the competition raised over £5,000 for Zoë's Place, a Babies Hospice on the outskirts of Coventry and Beauty with a Purpose which supports children's charities worldwide and is the official Miss World Charity. 

Individuals who raised the most money were given the charity King and Queen titles. 

Karla Fitzpatrick was crowned Charity Queeen, Kyza Derby crowned Charity King(Coventry) and Jordan Williams crowned Charity King(Rugby) with Abbigail Wicker being crowned Junior Charity Queen.

Pictured below are Mr Rugby, Jordan Williams, Miss Rugby, Chelsie Griffin and Junior Miss Rugby, Emmi Harris. 


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