Nationwide review by high-street guru Mary Portas praises the ‘charismatic’ traders of Rugby
13th December 2011
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Mark Pawsey MP Member of Parliament for Rugby

Mark Pawsey MP welcomes Portas Review into the future of high streets

Nationwide review by high-street guru Mary Portas praises the ‘charismatic’ traders of Rugby.

Rugby MP Mark Pawsey has today welcomed the Portas Review into the future of our high streets. In her review Mary Portas pays particular reference to Rugby and praises its ‘Champions of Change’. Her report highlighted how impressed she had been by the charismatic local people she saw when visiting the town for her review.

Mark said:
‘I am delighted that in her report Mary Portas has seen our town as making a positive contribution to changing the nation’s high streets through the dynamic people who live in Rugby.’

Mark continued:
‘In my role as a member of the Communities and Local Government Select Committee in Westminster we are actively pursuing ways that can protect and enhance the use of our town centres. We in the committee will shortly be publishing a report into the proposed changes to planning policies, and in our discussions have been considering a policy that will continue to put town centres first.’

Mark concluded:
‘The state of the UK’s high streets is of paramount importance to us as a nation and to us here in Rugby. The Portas Review is a substantial far-reaching document and to have Rugby’s name mentioned in it in a positive light is welcome news for our town. I too praise the people of Rugby and welcome her celebration of the charismatic local people we have in our town.’

‘The Portas Review’
Specific mentions of Rugby can be found on pages 20 and 36

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