Olympic Flame Lit
10th May 2012
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The 2012 Olympic flame has been lit in Greece at a ceremony in ancient Olympia. 

A parabolic mirror and a little olive oil captured the morning sun’s rays to ignite the Olympic flame.

After a tour of Greece it will then be handed over to the London Olympics team in Athens to continue its long journey to London to arrive at the Olympic Stadium on 27th July 2012 for the lighting of the cauldron at the Opening Ceremony.

During its 8,000 mile journey around the UK before it arrives at the Olympic Stadium on 27th July 2012 an average of 115 Torchbearers a day will carry the Olympic Torch.

Rugby is a natural place for the torch to visit as it is one of the places visited by Pierre de Coubertin for inspiration before founding the modern Olympics, and a fitting place to watch it make its way to the Olympic stadium in London.

The Olympic torch relay is to pass through Rugby town centre and through the heart of Dunchurch village on 2nd July 2012, giving residents a unique opportunity to see the flame on their doorstep a truly once in a lifetime event.

Rugby Borough Council's website is where you will find more local information and you can sign up to receive updates.

To see the full Olympic Torch Relay Route visit the London 2012 website where you will be able to view the route the flame will be carried through and lots more information.


Please do visit our Events Pages to check details of the route and timings

as we will be updating with more details of the celebrations

and also for other events taking place!

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