Rugby Council wants your ideas on areas that need improvement
20th February 2012
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Is there something about life in Rugby that you think could be improved?


Every year, Rugby Council undergoes a programme of scrutiny of areas that local residents feel are a cause for concern in the Borough.


The Council is looking for suggestions from residents regarding issues of local concern which you may think would benefit from a detailed review.


Recent projects have included air quality monitoring, provision of play areas and the future of the Ken Marriott Leisure Centre, so you have the opportunity to air any issues that the council may be able to work on over the next 12 months.


The ideas and requests will be considered by councilors at a workshop on 27th February 2012, with the final choice being made by the Council’s Overview and Scrutiny Management board on 19th March 2012.


A dedicated cross-party task group of councillors or one of the scrutiny committees will then provide an in-depth review on each topic included in the final list. They will analyse the issues and gather evidence before making their recommendations to the Council’s Cabinet for changes and improvements.


Overview and Scrutiny Management Board chairman, Cllr Dr James Shera said: “Councillors are keen to choose topics that have the potential to result in real improvements that will be noticed by local people and make a difference in their communities.”


To find out more or to suggest topics, visit the Rugby Council website and select ‘Getting involved’, or call Democratic and Scrutiny Services on 01788 533592.

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