Warwickshire and Coventry Councils embrace collaborative working
14th May 2011
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Warwickshire and Coventry Councils have collaborated in a £100 million deal to maintain the areas roads.


For the first time in history, two UK local authorities have joined forces for highway maintenance to be carried out by the same provider in both authorities.


The new five year highway maintenance contract with the Warwickshire County Council and Coventry City Council partnership has been secured by Balfour Beatty.


Alan Cockburn, Warwickshire County Council environment and economy chief said "By agreeing a highways contract as partnership, we will be able to offer much better value for money to the tax payer ... Collaborative working is essential in these financially testing times, this new highways contract will provide a high reputation service across the region over the next five years."


The contract encorporates all the county's planned and routine highway maintenance, bridge works, street lighting and other transport projects along Warwickshire's 3820 km and Coventry's 820 km of highway network.

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