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Local Events
Drama Summer Club with Make Believe a Story
  • Monday 29th July, 10:00am - Until Friday 2nd August, 4:00pm
Make Believe a Story are back with their exciting, action packed and highly recommended (by parents) drama summer club, led by professional actors. A great opportunity for children to make friends,... Read more
Picturing Rugby
  • Wednesday 15th May - Until Saturday 5th October
Picturing Rugby explores the town's history, as seen through the eyes of talented artists. This exhibition showcases a collection of paintings, etchings, and sketches. Read more
Exhibition: Jason and his Argonauts
  • Saturday 22nd June, 10:00am - Until Saturday 7th September, 5:00pm
Jason’s work celebrates disability, his northern working-class heritage, popular culture from his childhood and the life experiences of other disabled people. These themes are explored through cutting... Read more
Mini Rugby
  • Wednesday 15th May - Until Tuesday 31st December
Free Play at the Local History Gallery- unleash the kids on the market, the train station, and more! Open Hours: 10-5 Tues - Fri, 10-4 Sat Read more
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