Charitable Organisations in Salford

Find the best Charitable Organisations in Salford as recommended by local Salford people in thebestof Salford's Charitable Organisations directory.
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If you are looking to support local charitable organisations in Salford or Manchester, why not consider Kidscan. As a Children's Cancer Research Centre, they rely totally on contributions from the public, businesses, fund raisers etc in order to carry out their research. Visit the website for more information on how you can help albeit through donations, volunteering, participating in events and more!
Charitable Organisations in Salford
The Paget's Association
As a local charitable organisation, The Paget's Association work hard to raise awareness of Paget's Disease - a disease of the bone casing pain, fractures and more. With no real known cause of Paget's Disease, The Paget's Association invite people to get involved offering their support financially through donations as well as by taking part in regular events. Check out the website for much more information on this essential charitable organisation and the ways in which you can help.
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Salford City Radio
Salford Arts Theatre
Vue Cinema
Red Sun Karate
Swinton Park Golf Club
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