Where Can I Learn Karate?
14th August 2013
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I've always been an admirer of those who sport the black belts, and seeing as I'm not the most physical of people, any belt earned for self-defence! To be honest, I've recently started to admire any human being that can run for 5 minutes without needing to stop for 30 minutes.

In short, I have let my personal fitness drop. I see Karate as a springboard to fitness perfection and maybe I will learn how to defend my fragile self! I can dream can't I?

As a Salfordian, I wanted to find a local place to learn and practice Karate and I looked no further than Red Sun Karate. They are open for all ages and skill levels and part of Shotokan Karate Union, meaning that they will not discriminate against me for being awfully bad at martial arts and I think I will be really bad. Like, really bad.

Red Sun Karate is offering a friendly atmosphere in which I can retain my distant memory of fitness and maybe I will make a friend or two along the way! Any organisations that arrange BBQs receive my recommendation, maybe that is what started my predicament in the first place – BBQ'd meat.

Thank you and, Red Sun Karate, be gentle with me.

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Sarah C

Member since: 10th July 2012

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