Shrewsbury Chiropractic Clinic

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New research from the British Chiropractic Association (BCA) has highlighted that middle age is the most likely time in our lives to become affected by back and neck pain, and the most likely cause is incorrect posture.
By 2037, it’s anticipated that the number of carers in the UK will increase to 9 million, and three in five of us will be carers at some point in our lives.
As a local Shrewsbury Chiropractor and a man in training for the Shrewsbury Half Marathon Jon Sharps knows how to stay fit and injury free.
At Shrewsbury Chiropractic Clinic we are often asked for advice on the selection of beds and mattresses and, in truth, there is no one solution that suits all.
I am a Shrewsbury based chiropractor and today I thought I'd share some findings on Glucosamine Sulphate; what it is and how it may benefit your health.
People worldwide have been buying up computer tablets in droves because of their ease of use and portability....
Those travelling during busy times may dread the increase in traffic and the delays - but look after yourself when stuck in a car is the advice from one Shrewsbury chiropractor.
Shrewsbury based Jon Sharp says that at this time of year, chiropractors experience a seasonal influx of patients with back and neck strain caused by over-zealous gardening.
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In October 2016
Karen Peever said

Beat i've been to, and i've been to a few! Nothing is too much trouble.