Massage in Shrewsbury

Find the best Massage in Shrewsbury as recommended by local Shrewsbury people in thebestof Shrewsbury's Massage directory.
Massage in Shrewsbury
Imagine Spa
Professional spa body massages in Shrewsbury. Choose from Imagine Spa's Sensory Body Massage, with or without Lava Stones, or the highly popular Raindrop Massage. Sign up to their e-news and you'll enjoy 25% off your first treatment!
Jane F said
If you need break from everyday stress this is the place to visit. A peaceful and relaxing environment. A great selection of treatments from friendly and professional therapists.
In Good Hands Massage
Tessa Kirk MICHT IIHHT of "In Good Hands" Massage provides deep tissue massage in Shrewsbury that supplements your body's well-being. Tessa works with people of all types and ages, incl. mothers and babies, and also offers gift vouchers and special Bridal Packages.
Yu-Ching (Frances) said
Fantastic brownies. Really cheap and great atmosphere! The staff are so friendly ~ this is a brilliant local place. I definitely recommend to come here.
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