Bach flower essences by Shrewsbury therapist
16th May 2014
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Almost every day, there are scare stories in the news about health issues. “Antibiotics will soon be completely ineffective!”, “Incurable flu virus pandemics”, “Rampant obesity” and the latest one this week: “Ignore your body clock at your peril!”.

We all suffer stress to a greater or lesser degree, whatever our age, and this constant bombardment doesn't help. Dr Bach believed fervently that any degree of mental and emotional imbalance would lead to physical health issues and, as a Bach Flower Practitioner, I have the opportunity to see at first hand how true this is.

Recently, I have been treating people with a variety of health issues including persistent colds, muscle pain, insomnia as well as varying levels of stress, anxiety and depression.  I am always thrilled when a client comes back with hugely positive feedback.

The immune system is weakened by stress, grief, depression, exhaustion etc., so it makes perfect sense to treat the root cause. As Dr Bach said, “Treat the cause, not the effect – the person not the illness”.

Dr Bach created 38 individual flower essences and I use a combination of whichever of these is appropriate to the client. To give you an example, if you have a history of constantly waking up at some ridiculously early hour, then fretting because you can't get back to sleep, I would, after the consultation, probably recommend White Chestnut to banish unwanted thoughts going round and round in your mind, and to generate a quiet, calm mind, and Olive – the remedy for total fatigue of mind and body and lack of zest,  to restore peace of mind and vitality.

Do please contact me for more details – there is so much that I can do for you.

About the Author

Suzi R

Member since: 14th February 2012

I am a professional language tutor in Shrewsbury offering lessons in French, German, Spanish and Italian. I am also an accredited Bach Flower Therapist, so whether you'd like to learn a language, brush...

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