Lorraine's painting takes pride of place at The Shrewsbury Club as staff raise funds for Severn Hospice
19th April 2018
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A painting by a much loved member of The Shrewsbury Club now takes pride of place in the club’s entrance.

Mother of three Lorraine Pattison, also a talented artist, was a frequent visitor to The Shrewsbury Club until her untimely death from cancer at the age of 47 last October, less than a month after diagnosis.

An inspiration to many and hugely popular with staff and her many friends at the club, a Just Giving page has been set up by Matt, Lorraine’s husband, to raise funds for the Severn Hospice, which cared for Lorraine.  

Club staff have signed up to support the Rodington Charity Fun Day on May 12 - Lorraine’s birthday - and the Severn Hospice’s Colour Run in Telford Town Park on June 10 to help raise funds. 
Dave Courteen, the managing director of The Shrewsbury Club, said: "Lorraine was a popular and familiar figure at the club and inspired many of us with her dedication to fitness. 

"Lorraine was fit enough to compete in Ironman triathlons but was just as happy encouraging others to take part in classes here. 

"She had a reputation for being able to talk from the start of a spin class to the end, while also working at maximum power!

"All of us at The Shrewsbury Club loved Lorraine’s passion for the club.  

"Lorraine would be stood at the entrance at 6am every morning waiting for the club to open for her early morning swim. We hope that people as they come into the club will admire her artwork and remember Lorraine.

“Much loved, much valued and much missed by so many of us.”

Matt, Lorraine’s husband, said: "The hospice care was exemplary - both to Lorraine and her family and friends. 

"We want to raise money for Severn Hospice so that they can continue their good work. They rely almost exclusively on donations and have running costs of around £10 million per year.

"As a family we have donated £15,000 of Lorraine's life insurance and have already received donations of around £3,000 from the funeral and after. 

"There will be over 50 people participating in the Colour Run on Sunday, June 10 as part of 'Team Lorraine’. 

"Please give generously and help us raise vital funds for a magnificent cause in memory of a very special person.”


He added: “The Shrewsbury Club have been a fantastic support to our family since Lorraine became ill.

"It is lovely to be part of such a friendly club with welcoming staff and members who care about each of us.

"We are extremely grateful to everyone for getting on board with the fundraising that we are doing, and are delighted to have Lorraine’s painting displayed as a permanent memorial to her.”

Matt has set up a Just Giving page for donations at https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/lorrainepattisonfamilyandfriends
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Emma R

Member since: 10th July 2012

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