Mayor of Shrewsbury Awards 2025
23rd January 2025
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Nominations are being sought to celebrate those unsung heroes who have made an outstanding contribution to the town of Shrewsbury. 

The Mayor, Councillor David Vasmer, is asking businesses, organisations and residents to make submissions for Shrewsbury’s annual civic awards, designed to highlight those who have gone above and beyond for the benefit of the town.

Nominations are invited in eight categories, which will be judged by a panel of members and officers of the Town Council, with the winners revealed at an Awards evening at Shrewsbury Town Football Club on 7th May.

The Mayor will also present his special Awards to people he has met throughout the Mayoral Year and who have played a key part in helping make Shrewsbury a special place to live and work.

The Awards categories are:

Built Heritage Award – recognises the achievements of individuals, organisations and companies that own buildings in Shrewsbury and have worked towards enhancing the built heritage through new development in sympathetic heritage settings to reuse and the conversion of existing buildings.

Business Award – acknowledges the work of businesses, organisations and individuals who have contributed to the economy of the town, be it through providing

job opportunities, business expansion or general promotion and marketing of the town. Not-for-profit organisations are also considered in this category.

Climate Change Award – recognises the work of individuals, groups, organisations and businesses that have undertaken activity to raise awareness of Climate Emergency locally, promoted efficiency and sustainable use of resources or undertaken initiatives to reduce the impact of carbon.

Community Award – celebrates the work of community groups and individuals who have contributed to the social well-being of the town, from major community projects to someone who looks out for their neighbours.

Courtesy Award – recognises individuals, companies or organisations within Shrewsbury who have taken extra measures in promoting Shrewsbury as a friendly and courteous place.

Environmental Award – celebrates the work of organisations, community groups and individuals who have contributed to enhancing the environment and promoting the green space around Shrewsbury.

Tourism Award – acknowledging businesses, individuals, groups and organisations who have contributed to tourism within the town.

Youth Award – acknowledges the work of schools, groups and individuals who have contributed to the well-being of young people within the town. This includes young people who have shown great initiative as well as organisations that have promoted the wellbeing of young people locally.

Visitors to Shrewsbury’s Indoor Market can also vote for their favourite Market Trader of the Year by completing one of the nomination forms and posting it in the ballot box provided.

Councillor Vasmer said: “We want to celebrate all the people who help put the pride into our wonderful town. I have met so many unsung heroes during my time in office and these people wouldn’t dream of putting themselves in the limelight, so we need members of the public to nominate them. If you know of anyone who has gone the extra mile, please take the time to fill in a nomination form.”

“I would like everyone to take a minute and think of someone they know who has made a great contribution to our Town. And then please nominate them by visiting the Town Council’s website and completing the nomination form online.”

Any queries can be directed to Sally Nicholson, the Mayor's Secretary, on 01743 257655 or email

The closing date for completed entries is 12.30pm on Friday 4th April.

Details of each category and the nomination form can be found on the Town Council’s website.

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Emma R

Member since: 10th July 2012

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