Shrewsbury has been teaching the Royals how to play darts! It's true! During Princes Harry and William's stint at RAF Shawbury, they've fallen in love with the noble game of arrows whilst playing at various Shrewsbury pubs. You can read the full story courtesy of the Sunday People.
Shrewsbury is also in the news again with its UFOs. I'm half expecting Mulder and Scully to pop up in town there's that many sightings. Imagine, The X Files 3: Aliens on Pride Hill. Darren Perks saw triangle-shaped objects in the sky over 15 years ago but recently discussed the topic again on Australia's Sunday Night show. It seems the UFOs he saw are similar to the ones seen a couple of weekends ago flying over Sutton Farm and Oswestry. Thanks to the Shropshire Star for reporting on that one. The only strange lights I've seen is when walking down Oxford Street at Christmas after too many beers. But some of these UFO sightings in Shrewsbury seem so genuine it's hard to know what to think.
A bit more relevant news now perhaps.... The Shropshire Hills Discovery Centre is holding a load of family friendly activities from August 10th to August 14th. So if you're tearing your hair out thinking how to keep the kids amused, why not make a trip to Craven Arms and take part in activities such as their Virtual Excavation? Prehistoric-tastic! Or if you're Competitive Dad, perhaps take advantage of AMF Bowling's special offer and show the kids who's the bowling boss. Buy one, get one free. So don't say I never give you anything....
Speak soon. If I haven't been taken away and experimented on.
My husband and I run thebestof Shrewsbury. We have over 40 years' combined marketing experience (scary) to help businesses grow. Thebestof Shrewsbury promotes local businesses through our high-traffic...
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