Shrewsbury law firm Lanyon Bowdler’s clinical negligence department is renowned for its established team of expert solicitors. However, it may not be known that the department is given valuable support by two nursing professionals who work alongside the solicitors to ensure that each claim is viewed from both a legal and clinical perspective.
Legal medical assistants, Gillian Cheshire and Diane Rawstorne, are both registered nurses who between them have many years of nursing knowledge and experience. Their presence on the team means they are immediately on hand to speak to potential clients and look at the medical issues alongside experienced clinical negligence solicitors.
Gillian started working for the firm in July 2002 having previously been in nursing for 20 years including the special care baby unit, and maxillofacial surgery. She also holds a Diploma in Nursing and is still engaged in clinical practice.
Diane joined the team in March 2011, prior to which she had a long career in nursing including clinical practice, education, research and management. Diane is a Registered Nurse and also a Registered Nurse Teacher. She also sits on the National Midwifery Council’s fitness to practice panel, dealing with issues of conflict and competence. Both actively participate in continuing professional updating.
Head of the clinical negligence department, partner Paula Nash said: “To have in-house nurses is hugely beneficial. They are valued members of the team – who add real value to the claims process.”
For more information call 01743 280280.
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