Shrewsbury residents can help shape the town council’s priorities for next five years
14th June 2024
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Shrewsbury residents are being asked to shape the future of their town as the council launches its action plan for the coming five years.

Shrewsbury Town Council is asking for feedback on its action plan, which sets out six “strategic ambitions”, ranging from preserving the town's heritage to increasing the opportunity for residents to keep healthy and active.

The areas of focus proposed for the next five years are:

  • Building resilient communities for Shrewsbury

  • Supporting Shrewsbury residents to live active and healthy lives through the provision of quality services

  • Preserving Shrewsbury’s heritage

  • Creating a greener and better-connected Shrewsbury

  • Maintaining a sustainable, resilient and efficient organisation

  • Taking positive action to tackle climate change

The action plan follows the council’s Vision Statement and Strategic Ambitions which were consulted on in 2023.

Residents can view the action plan priorities and have their say by using a simple online survey, which only takes a few minutes of their time.

A Shrewsbury Town Council spokesperson said: “We recognise that money is tight for everyone but in working with our partners towards a common goal, we can begin to take positive steps to ensure Shrewsbury continues to be a great place to live, work, play and visit.

“The council’s action plan is not exhaustive, but provides a good indication of where we will direct our resources and attention throughout the next five years, and it’s really important that residents give their feedback.

“This is the first time we have engaged in such high levels of consultation and we hope that good numbers will spend a little time in completing the questionnaire and so join us in setting out our priorities for ongoing work and future initiatives throughout our town.”

Within the action plan, residents will find schemes of significant cross-town importance alongside more local community-focused plans.

Councillors say they are being ambitious in protecting and promoting important services whilst insisting on high standards of delivery and value for money for Council Tax payers at all times.

For more information and a link to the survey, visit the town council website at 

Drop-in events will also take place at the Town Council Offices, Livesey House, 7 St John’s Hill on Tuesday June 18 from 12.30pm to 4pm, and Tuesday June 25 from 10.30am to 1pm.

The closing date for feedback is June 30.

About the Author

Emma R

Member since: 10th July 2012

My husband and I run thebestof Shrewsbury. We have over 40 years' combined marketing experience (scary) to help businesses grow. Thebestof Shrewsbury promotes local businesses through our high-traffic...

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