Shrewsbury Sessions are back for 2023
11th January 2023
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A series of advice workshops for businesses in Shrewsbury is back for the new year, with a revamped format following a break due to the pandemic. 

The Shrewsbury Sessions are free events organised by Shrewsbury BID, open to any business based in the town, and aimed at providing specialist advice in a relaxed setting. 

The first event of the year will take place on Wednesday January 25, from 5.30pm to 7pm, at stop coffee shop in Shrewsbury Museum and Art Gallery, with a focus on digital marketing in a challenging climate. 

Experts from Shrewsbury-based Reech will be discussing how to grow your business online even when the economy’s tough, including tips for social media, email marketing, website design and photography and video. 

Stephanie Mansell-Jones, business liaison at Shrewsbury BID, said she expected a lot of interest in the revamped workshops. 

“We originally launched the Shrewsbury Sessions just before the pandemic, so we are delighted to be bringing them back in a new-look format,” she said. 

“We want to make them as welcoming and useful as possible, because we appreciate that time is precious when you run a business, so every event will be full of information but enjoyable too. 

“The first Shrewsbury Session of the year will be held at stop coffee shop in the museum and art gallery, which is a great space, and soft drinks and nibbles will be provided. 

“I would like to say a big thank you to Reech for joining us for this event, when they will provide a wealth of knowledge about digital marketing for businesses. 

“The event is free and people are welcome to turn up on the day, but if they can book a place in advance that would be much appreciated.” 

Amelia Redge, head of marketing at Reech, added: “We’re delighted to be partnering with Shrewsbury BID for the relaunch of Shrewsbury Sessions and look forward to meeting a host of exciting, local businesses. 

“As we enter what will inevitably be a challenging year, we’re glad to offer our marketing insights and expertise to support. 

“At Reech, we’re committed to investing in the Shropshire community and working with growing businesses, something that forms the ethos behind the Shrewsbury Sessions.  We hope to see as many businesses as possible at what is sure to be a brilliant event.”  

To book your space visit 

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Emma R

Member since: 10th July 2012

My husband and I run thebestof Shrewsbury. We have over 40 years' combined marketing experience (scary) to help businesses grow. Thebestof Shrewsbury promotes local businesses through our high-traffic...

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