Shrewsbury Town’s charity arm announces partnership with Shropshire RCC
11th August 2016
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Shropshire Rural Communities Charity is delighted to have been chosen as one of three Shrewsbury Town in the Community’s charity partners for the football season 2016/17.

Helping communities across Shropshire

Shrewsbury Town in the Community is a community development programme working with Shrewsbury Town Football Club delivering to a range of different communities and age groups across Shropshire. Their four main themes are Sports Participation, Education, Health and Social Inclusion. Shropshire RCC delivers a variety of services to keep people fit, healthy, active and involved in their local communities.


Pictured above: SRCC's Chief Executive Julia Baron along with the representatives from Shrewsbury Town in the Community, Lingen Davies and the Harry Johnson Trust.

A great opportunity

Shropshire RCC’s Chief Executive, Julia Baron says “With Shropshire communities at the heart of what both organisations do, the partnership will provide a great opportunity for us both to engage with new but relevant audiences for our work. We are very excited about the possibilities this presents for us.”

Raising money and awareness

The partnership will enable Shropshire RCC to run bucket collection and awareness days at the Town’s Greenhous Meadow ground, and is set to help raise the profile of the work of Shropshire RCC as well as generating much needed funds for their charity. 

Shropshire Rural Communities Charity will update its website with details of the fixtures at which they will be fundraising (, so please go along to support them, at the same time as supporting your favourite footie team!

The other two Shrewsbury Town in the Community charity partners this year are the Lingen Davies Cancer Fund and the Harry Johnson Trust.

About the Author

Francesca C

Member since: 14th July 2016

I work for the Shropshire Rural Communities Charity. The charity has been running for over 50 years to support people and communities in Shropshire and Telford and Wrekin. We deliver a wide variety of...

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