Shrewsbury Will Writer offers helping hand to British soldiers
22nd November 2011
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A local expert has paid a flying visit to help provide peace of mind to UK soldiers based in Germany.

Shrewsbury will-writer Terry Le Long, who runs NLS Shropshire Ltd, was asked to give his professional advice and update wills for a number of troops serving in the 5th Battalion The Rifles.

Terry, who himself is an ex-serviceman having served in the Royal Air Force, and is now the Shropshire, Staffordshire and Mid-Wales regional chairman of professional body the Society of Will Writers (SWW), spent four days at the Battalion’s Paderborn base after being invited by Jonathan Flax, CEO of Black Financial Solutions, a company that specialises in providing financial services and advice to the British Armed Forces. 

He met with a number of the Battalion’s Riflemen and Officers who were due to be deployed to Afghanistan, the first of which were set to leave within three days of their initial meeting. Terry found out about each soldier’s individual personal circumstances, and then wrote them new wills before they set off on their mission.

“Terry’s expertise has proved invaluable for our soldiers, particularly those who have experienced situations such as a divorce, having children outside wedlock, or having dependant relatives relying on incapacity benefit,” Captain Ian Wilkins, of the 5th Battalion The Rifles, revealed. “Thanks to his advice, their wills are now completely up to date, providing both the Riflemen and their families with the reassurance and peace of mind they deserve.”

“It’s been an absolute honour to be of assistance to these brave troops,” Terry Le Long commented. “During my few days in Germany, I found out so much about the incredible sacrifices they make and courage they show on a daily basis, and was particularly inspired by their ongoing ‘Care for Casualties’ campaign (, a charity dedicated to supporting the Riflemen and their families, especially those that are injured in the field of conflict.”

For further information about will-writing services and estate planning, contact Terry Le Long of NLS Shropshire Ltd on 01952 250360 or email

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Emma R

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