Top tips when it comes to cat carriers from Abbey Vets in Shrewsbury
12th July 2024
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Let’s talk about cat carriers!!

If you struggle to get your cat in the carrier to visit the vet, this is the read for you!
We all dread getting the cat box out from the shed, garage or wherever we may store them. Then we have to have a battle to get them in it! BUT there is a better way!

One of the main things is making sure your cat has a positive association with the box.

Our top tips on how to achieve this include:

Have the box set up at home at all times, with the door always open.

Place this in a nice, calm, quiet area of the house that the cat can access.

If you can have the box raised up off the floor as cats like to sleep and relax up high.

Make it a nice comfortable den for your cat, and drape a blanket over the top so they can go and hide in it if they want.

Place some tasty treats in the carrier for your cat to find.

Use calming and relaxing sprays in the box.

Do not ever force your cat in the box. We hope this helps.
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Emma R

Member since: 10th July 2012

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