Understanding Cohabitation Law in England and Wales: Protecting Your Interests
7th June 2024
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Written by Richard Taylor-Duxbury 

Navigating the complexities of cohabitation and joint property ownership without the legal bond of marriage can be a daunting task. 

It’s crucial to understand the legal framework in England and Wales to protect your interests, especially in the event of a separation. Many individuals are under the misconception that over time, a non-marital relationship automatically grants them a stake in a shared home. However, this is far from the truth.

The Reality of Separation for Unmarried Couples

In cases where a couple separates without being married, and one partner is not named on the property title, the court’s primary focus is on the legal title holder(s). If the property is in your partner’s name alone, you face the challenging task of proving that the existing arrangement does not reflect the true intentions of both parties. This is particularly difficult given the Land Registry’s emphasis on the accuracy of title records.

The Trust of Land and Appointment of Trustees Act 1996 (TOLATA)

The governing law for these disputes is TOLATA. While the legal owner is recognised as the individual(s) registered on the title at the Land Registry, it is possible to argue for a beneficial interest. This means convincing the court that there was an agreement or understanding with the legal owner, your now ex-partner, that you are entitled to a share of the property. However, proving this without prior written protection is a significant hurdle.

Protecting Your Interest

The most effective way to safeguard your interest is by noting it at the Land Registry, ideally with your partner’s agreement. Unfortunately, this is often overlooked, with many relying on verbal assurances that they will receive a share of the property in the event of a separation. Such conversations are seldom documented, which is regrettable since written evidence of an “express” agreement is the strongest proof one can present to a court.

The Challenge of Verbal Agreements

While a court may accept a verbal assurance as establishing an express agreement, relying solely on this in court is risky. Without a written express agreement, the focus shifts to other forms of written communication, such as emails or text messages, to establish the intentions of the parties. However, proving a common intention constructive trust without clear, written evidence is challenging.

The Role of Evidence in Establishing Interest

If you can provide sufficient evidence of your interest in the property, the next question is determining the extent of this interest. The court considers a range of evidence, including financial contributions and time invested in the property, to ascertain the real intentions of each party.

The Impact of Children

The presence of children, whether from previous relationships or shared, adds emotional and legal complexity to the situation. The court must consider the best interests of any children involved when deciding on property occupation rights under TOLATA.

The Aim: Avoiding Court

Litigation should be a last resort. Reaching an amicable settlement early on is preferable. If you’re moving into a home not legally yours, or if you’re facing the loss of your home following a relationship breakdown, it’s essential to seek legal advice promptly.

PCB Solicitors’ knowledge and understanding is reflected in our client feedback: “I just wanted to thank you from the depths of my heart. I’m pretty certain you have no idea just how much you have helped me. Your professionalism, determination, hard work, thoroughness and dedication has delivered. The decision reached in Court had enabled me to be the mother my children deserve.”

At PCB Solicitors, we understand the intricacies of cohabitation law and are here to help you navigate these challenging situations. Protecting your rights and securing your future is our priority. If you find yourself in need of guidance or support, please don’t hesitate to contact us by email or by telephone on 01743 248148.

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Emma R

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