Florists in Skelmersdale

Find the best Florists in Skelmersdale as recommended by local Skelmersdale people in thebestof Skelmersdale's Florists directory.
Florists in Skelmersdale
Country Florist
Based in Skelmersdale the Country Florist can provide you with stunning floral bouquets and arrangements ....... and much more, whatever your special occasion.
Amanda O said
After growing up in Ormskirk I now live in London and always use The Country Florist when I want to send flowers to my Mum, or other relatives. The staff are friendly and the service is fantastic (100% reliable, and really quick). The flowers are always beautiful and excellent value for money. Wish I was close enough to buy flowers for myself from there! Used them several times a year for years - wouldn't buy flowers from anyone else. Thanks.
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