Durufle Requiem, Motets and Vaughan Williams Five Mystical Songs
  • Solihull School Chapel
    Warwick Road, Solihull
    B91 3DJ
  • Saturday 29th March 7:30pm until 9:30pm
Solihull Choral Society Spring concert A glorious selection of music for choir, organ and Baritone Solo Conducted by DAVID RICE, Organist CALLUM ALGER, Baritone THEO PERRY

Tickets from www.solihullchoral.org.uk or on the door

Adults £17, Group of 4 adults £60, Students aged 6 and over  £5

Ticket prices include a programme , and an interval drink is provided

* thebestof cannot be held responsible for any changes, amends or cancellations of an event
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