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Local News and Updates
Christmas Crackers! Tis the season to be jolly!
  • 22nd November 2015
Good King Wenceslas phones for pizza delivery...... Read more
Awareness weeks November 2015
  • 22nd November 2015
This week celebrates National Adoption Week, National Maintenance Week and Learn to Finger Spell Week. Read more
Solihull Bid's Excellence Awards Winner Announced November 19th 2015
  • 22nd November 2015
Congratulations to Maz from The Delhi Indian Restaurant and Panchuli Fine Dining winner of the Best Independent Business Award Read more
Which City is going to be the coldest area in the UK this weekend?
  • 18th November 2015
Birmingham So Solihull never mind the X Factor get ready for the Chill Factor! Read more
International Mens Day Thursday 19th November
  • 18th November 2015
Theme for 2015 "Make a difference for Men and Boys" Read more
No Official Switch on of  Solihull Christmas Lights
  • 17th November 2015
Solihull Lights Switch on Cancelled due to Health and Safety Fears.. Read more
This week  is Awareness Week for...
  • 15th November 2015
This week is Anti Bullying Week and Alcohol Awareness Week see what they aim to do... Read more
World Diabetes Day
  • 13th November 2015
On the 14th November every year this day brings global awareness about Diabetes Read more
Life Is Confusing Sometimes
  • 13th November 2015
Just a line to say I'm Living That I'm not among the dead Though I'm getting more forgetful... Read more
World Kindness Day Friday 13th November
  • 12th November 2015
So what will you do on World Kindness Day? Read more
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