The film will be followed by a lively discussion around the film, and the figure of Charles Darwin in culture, with exhibit and models.
This is a chance to see Creation, and talk about the evolution and palaeobiology with Dr Neil Gostling in the great venue of Lecture Theatre B at Avenue Campus.
- Avenue Campus (SO17 1BF)
- Building 65 (Parkes)
- Lecture Theatre B
Check-in: from 17:45, in the foyer of Building 65 (Parkes), just outside the Avenue Cafe' in front of the main entrance from the car park.
Food and drinks: some snacks and drinks are available for purchase at the vending machine alongside the corridor. A water fountain is available.
Accessibility: Expect darkened spaces during the movie screening. Venue has full wheelchair access and hearing loop is available. Priority seating for deaf, hard of hearing and visually impaired in the first front row. A few ear defenders will be available to borrow at the check-in desk upon entrance on a first-come, first-served basis. If you require additional support, please ask a member of the Festival team on site.
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