This illustrated talk will explore the science of many mysteries emanating from our oceans, from Noahs Ark to the Bermuda Triangle, from disappearing aircraft to giant squid. Find out how science can explain these phenomena and many more mysteries that over time have become legends shrouded in apparent mystery.
You will discover the truth behind the stories!
- Waterfront Campus, National Oceanography Centre Southampton (NOCS), European Way (SO14 3ZH)
- Charnock Lecture Theatre
Check-in: from 18:30.
Age suitability: 12+ years-old
Accessibility: Venue has full wheelchair access and hearing loop is available. Priority seating for deaf, hard of hearing and visually impaired in the first front row. If you require additional support, please ask a member of the Festival team on site.
Parking: There are a few parking spaces in front to the entrance of the NOCS building, including disabled parking bays. If the parking is full, please press the intercom next to the barrier to ring Security and provide details including your vehicle registration number, so that they can grant you access to the main car park.
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