Philosopher Fiona Woollard strives to find inclusive ways of understanding maternal identity and embodiment. Yonat Nitzan-Green and Jane Bennett are artists whose own work explores maternal subjectivity and embodiment. They are also part of a collective that developed the Table Method (tm), a unique way to use conversation and handling materials to think-through text and prompt different ways of thinking. This workshop, run by Fiona, Yonat and Jane, will apply the tm to Woollard's work on maternal identity.
All levels of experience are welcome!
All materials, equipment and refreshments will be provided.
Please note: the workshop is not suitable for active children, but babes in arms are welcome.
- Screening Room
- John Hansard Gallery, 142 - 144 Above Bar St (SO14 7DU)
Check-in: from 10:30, outside the Workshop room.
PLEASE NOTE: a few additional tickets will be available on the day at the ticket desk, on a first-come-first-served basis.
Accessibility: please refer to the John Hansard Gallery website at
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