The event will provide an overview of the UoS Sustainability Strategic Plan, outlining its six key goals and the milestones set to achieve them. Members of the Sustainability Implementation Group, alongside senior University leaders and goal champions, will present updates on sustainability initiatives, highlight progress made, and discuss future challenges and opportunities.
The University's commitments include exploring how its efforts could contribute to the City's broader sustainability agenda, supporting local businesses/communities, and aligning with national/international environmental targets. The event will also address how individuals-whether students, staff, local residents, or professionals-can engage with and benefit from these initiatives.
Why attend?
•Gain insights into our sustainability commitments/achievements.
• Learn how our sustainability efforts align with regional and global climate goals.
• Engage with sustainability leaders, researchers, and professionals working towards a sustainable future.
The event is open to all, including members of the local community, universities, sustainability professionals, and the public.
Venue: Level 4, Room 4013, Building 100, Centenary, Highfield Campus, University of Southampton (SO17 1BJ)
Check-in: from 16:45, outside the room on Level 4.
PLEASE NOTE: a few additional tickets will be available on the day at the ticket desk, on a first-come-first-served basis.
Accessibility: Venue has full wheelchair access and hearing loop is available. Priority seating for deaf, hard of hearing and visually impaired closer to the lectern. If you require additional support, please ask a member of the Festival team on site.
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