Best of websites?
1st January 2010
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Do you think that a ‘Best Of’ web site is just another local services directory, or a really powerful source of new business to the hungry home networker?

Well, I had some doubts as to how it would work with my products, as I am into network marketing, and already spend a lot of time at Breakfast meetings with a very successful organisation called . Another issue I had to content with is that my product is in the rapidly emerging ‘Wellness’ industry, although there are now loads of stories on how our juice improves people’s health, we have to be very careful on how we use testimonials.

However, with testimonials, on site blogs, and massively high Google rankings, being associated with your local ‘Best Of’ site can be a great way to promote your business to a great market – the one on your doorstep!

In fact, ‘Best-Of’’s can be very much like your local pub. Get a good landlord, and the service you will get is far greater than you could ever imagine. I have been a member of the ‘Best of St Neots’ for some time now, and Phil Scott, who owns the Franchise for our town, has been so helpful in introducing us to local businesses who have been interested in what we are promoting, it’s like having your own local salesman on call. I have also been talking to our neighbouring area – the ‘Best of Bedford’ – Tom Honeywell – who has just taken over the Franchise, and is working with me already with Bedford opportunities for my juice.

Now, when William announced that the ’Best of Camberley’ was holding an Open Evening on the 28th of January, I have jumped at the chance to attend, especially seeing the quality of the speakers that will be there. This is another way that the ‘Best Of’’s’ can help your business, by gathering together a good number of true networking people, due to the quality of the speakers they get – and at a fraction of the cost you would normally expect to pay to see such quality speakers.

Hope to see you at the Windlesham Golf Club, on January 28th. And if you want to taste my juice, so to speak, or see what I can offer in the way of fantastic Caribbean investment properties, be sure to meet up with me on that evening.


Geoff Morris - The Juice Man.

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