St. Neots Flood Defence
29th September 2009
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What the Hell on earth is this St. Neots Town Council, Huntingdonshire District Council, The Highways Agency or maybe the Environment Agency!!!!! Your reputation may have been greatly improved by the civil engineering project but has been tarnished by this most ridiculous plaque. What is the point of commissioning somebody to produce this plaque. It carries no worthwile information, instead (in my eyes) dark undertones of a town council feeling under sieze from anti social behaviour. Why not give us some worthwile information rather than paranoia. For example and off the top of my head; the year it was constructed for example. The message 'do not remove', I presume isn't targetting our retired population, mums with babies or professional members of the business community, but kids I guess. Well heres a little tip if you are insistant with this message; Treat others how you wish to be treated and ask them nicely with a PLEASE!!!! I reckon these plaques cost £200 to £400 for the set and is quite simply a waste of money and provocative...Dear O dear O dear!!!!!!!!!!!

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frank g

Member since: 14th October 2011

Frank Golden's mission is simple; to ensure all his Print Hut's printed products are worth more to Print Hut's customers than they will cost AND able to clearly demonstrate this!!

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