4th October 2010
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After a severe weather warning of heavy rain and high winds, St Neots Rowing Club went on to defy the elements and secure three wins at their home Head of the River on Sunday 3 October, including the fastest time of the day.

Nearly 200 entries were received for the Club’s annual Head of the River race this weekend, with crews coming from across the country to race in 5 divisions. With high winds and showers all day, the 2600m course proved challenging but St. Neots rowers came out on top with wins in both the men’s and women’s squads.

After a strong summer season, St. Neots ladies kicked off the head season for the club as a crew of Charmian Hardwicke, Helen Knowles, Alison Brown and Dione Page, coxed by Sarah Porteus, won the women’s Masters C coxed fours event, despite the choppy waters. A strong performance was also seen from the men’s squad: Graham Mailer and Clive Emmerson won the Masters C/D pairs whilst a swift row by Huw Jarman and Josh Dexter saw them record the fastest time of the day of 9 minutes and 7 seconds in their IM3 double scull, making them winners of their category and of the whole event.

Other notable performances came from the Women’s IM3 coxless quad, which went on to come second in their category despite being a brand new crew combination. Mick Staddon and Ethan Page braved it alone in single sculls, alongside some promising performances from the Junior squad, this home event being the first taste of competitive rowing for many of the J14s.

Club Captain Mia Hartwell said:

“A great day was had by all and a great start to the 2010/11 winter season. Crews will now look to improve on their performance at future head races in the region.”

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The Best of St Neots

Member since: 10th July 2012

I've lived in St Neots since I was 13, and boy how it's changed. I'm always looking to promote everything great in and around our town.

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