St John Ambulance (St Neots Division)
St John Ambulance (St Neots Division)
  • Andrews House
    Cemetery Road
    St Neots
    PE19 2BX
St John Ambulance (St Neots Division) - Please find contact details and any useful information including website details if provided.

St John Ambulance (St Neots Division)- we don’t have a public contact number however people can get in touch by emailing or by writing to us at Andrews House, Cemetery Road, St Neots, PE19 2BX

We have volunteering opportunities for people from the age of 7 up. 

We have Badgers for 7-11 year olds that meet on Wednesday Evenings 18:30-19:45 they  complete subjects and work designed to give them both life skills and of course life saving skills and they work towards their “Super Badger” award.

We also have Cadets for young people aged 11-18 meeting on Wednesday Evenings 18:30-20:00 they work towards their “Grand Prior Award”, an internationally recognised award, and learn lots of first aid related skills along the way as well as other life skills. 

Finally we have our adult unit, they meet on Wednesdays 20:00-22:00 and train to provide first aid cover at events. There are many roles for adults from working with youth to logistics work. Adults can eventually progress up to ambulance crew level of they’d like to and have a good chance at helping people in their community.

We can also provide first aid training, both paid workplace first aid courses as well as going to youth groups and schools.

We also provide medical cover for events giving that added peace of mind to those organising events that if anything happened there would be trained volunteers to help!

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