Mumbles - Stone
Mumbles - Stone
  • Mumbles Day Nursery
    Whitemill Lane,
    ST15 0EQ
At Mumbles we aim to provide the future generation with the skills and confidence to help them to grow to their full potential by providing them with the ability to learn and have fun.

As a privately run day nursery, we aim to provide a secure and loving environment in which your child can grow and develop to their maximum potential in every aspect of their early lives.

In order to achieve this we aim to encourage the physical, intellectual, linguistic, emotional and social skills that your child needs to develop their self-esteem and confidence, so that they may become happy, fun loving children with the enthusiasm to learn and make friends feeling independent and respected.
Expressed simply our aims for your child are:

  • To have fun and be happy.
  • To become confident, and independent.
  • To make friends and develop the necessary social skills to do so.
  • To develop a love of learning.
  • To develop his/her own gifts and skills to maximise potential in all areas.
  • To feel secure and respected within a loving environment.
Social Interaction