Big News from The Big Pink Heart
21st March 2009
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Sharon Clephane of BigPinkHeart has been telling us all about the latest developments. She has been meeting with the Mayor of Leicester - who wants to hear more about BigPinkHeart as one of her own passions is humanitarian causes, and she likes what they are trying to do. She was also in teaching before she became a Councillor and wants to know more about their events for schools.


Also BigPinkHeart is just launching their campaign for BigPinkHeart Day on the 12th October.

With a meeting at the end of the month in London with prospective campaign helpers, and the introduction of the idea of BigPinkHeart Day on they have received a great deal of interest and encouragement, with offers of help from all over the place.

BPH feels that we should certainly celebrate BigPinkHeart Day on 12th October in Stamford anyway, and put a town in the East Midlands on the map for all the right reasons!

What do you think?

You can check out all about BigPinkHeart here

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