Bouncers Busted
28th May 2008
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Illegal bouncers found in the area.

Lincolnshire police and investigators from the Security Industry authority made spot checks on pubs and clubs in the Stamford, Spalding and Grantham areas and gave five bouncers official warnings for working without a licence. Eight of the licensed premises visited were in Stamford and four out of18 door staff questioned were warned for not having a licence, with another warned for not displaying the licence - requirements of the Private Security Act 2001.

The authority says that it's important for door staff to be trained, qualified and licenced for the safety of the public. Both the bouncers who work without and licence and those who employ them are breaking the law.

All in all, the operation checked 22 licensed premises and 44 bouncers and 33 were found to be licenced. Five people will face possible prosecution for working without a licence.

I didn't know that bouncers had to be trained and qualified, let alone licenced. Seems like a good idea to me, as otherwise it must be too easy to get carried away what with some of the people they must have to deal with. I'm not young enough now to visit any of the pubs and clubs that employ bouncers, so I don't have any experience with local bouncers. But it does make me feel slightly better to know that my offspring aren't at the mercy of untrained thugs.

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