More Big Cat news
25th June 2008
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Panther Paw Print?
... The Stamford Mercury have some pictures on their website that Businessman Leo Guilliano, of Ketton, thinks belong to a big cat here
He found the prints in a field of oilseed rape on June 13 whilst jogging and took the pictures. He says that his neighbour has seen the big cat in Ketton, and now he believes him. The prints are around 7 inches in width.

The Mercury asks that anyone who has spotted the Rutland panther should contact Mr Spencer at Panther Watch on 01664 454218, and want to know if anyone has seen a large cat in the Stamford, Rutland or Bourne areas, and if you believe they exists.
If you have any pictures or sightings, they are asking that you send them to

Well, I can honestly say that I HAVE SEEN a big cat in the area, but not for a long time.
A few years ago I was driving back from Market Harborough to Uppingham, and was cursing the man in front of me for driving so slowly along Stockerston Road. Suddenly he stopped.
And then I saw it. At first I thought 'Kangaroo' because what I saw was an impossibly long and large tail of a tawny colour disappear in front of his car, crossing the road. We all just sat there for a few moments, and then drove on. None of us got out of our cars and spoke to each other, strangely, I assume we were all in a bit of shock!
So although I haven't seen the complete animal, there is no way that what I saw belonged to a dog, however large, and certainly not a domestic cat!
So, I believe in the Rutland Panther, but the one I saw wasn't black, maybe there are more than one?
Do post here if you've seen the panther, and please email any pictures to so that they can publish them for everyone to see and make up their own minds. Maybe you were the driver in front of me that day and can confirm what I saw? I'd love to know ...
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