Obituary for Dalu at The Lion Man's zoo
10th June 2009
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I was so upset to read a week or so ago that one of the keeper's at The Lion Man's wildlife reserve Zion at Whangarei in New Zealand had been mauled to death by one of the tigers.

We knew that Craig Busch was no longer involved in the day to day running of the sanctuary, and were hoping that it wasn't going to be 'uncle' Dalu. He was the guy who had shown us around in such a friendly and knowledgeable way on our visit there in December, appeared on the TV show and was presumably going to be the presenter in lieu of Craig.

Sadly my husband told me later that it was confirmed that it was Dalu who had been killed by one of the tigers that he obviously loved.

Craig always said in the programmes to never turn your back on a tiger as they were notoriously fickle - and he was proved right.

I am glad that I was able to take some photos of Dalu while we were there, and you can see from them how in tune with the animals he was:

Of course we have a wonderful shop in Stamford that caters for all your pet needs (although not sure about tigers) - click here for more information.

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