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Local News and Updates
Oldies but Goodies
  • 18th November 2008
There's nothing new under the sun.... Read more
Life on Mars man at Stocken
  • 31st July 2009
Life on Mars star John Simm films drama at Stocken Prison, and stays at Barnsdale Lodge Read more
Petrol Stations run out of Fuel
  • 25th June 2008
Local Petrol Stations found it hard to keep up the demand for fuel during the recent strike by Shell drivers.... Read more
Longest place name in US spelt wrongly for years!
  • 29th April 2009
I was amused to read that embarrassed US officials have been forced to admit they've been spelling Lake Chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggchaubunagungamaugg wrongly for years.... Read more
Scratched cars in Stamford will cost thousands of pounds
  • 18th August 2009
Saturday night vandals damage cars parked in St Paul's Street Read more
Criminals use chalk marks to identify victims
  • 25th September 2008
Chalk marks used by criminals to indicate potential victimsMembers of criminal gangs are chalking marks outside Empingham homes which are codes to each other to show potential targets.Rutland police think that the marks left on roads and walls outside hous Read more
Latest News from Zest Mortgages
  • 2nd October 2008
As the headlines are all talking about the 'credit crunch', we will be looking at the importance of making sure you have adequate protection in place should you be made redundant.Are you protected for the Credit Crunch?... Read more
More Gift Ideas in Stamford
  • 16th December 2009
A few more suggestions of where to buy that special gift in the Stamford area. Read more
Quick Brain Teasers
  • 28th April 2009
I recently went to a party with my husband where there were four other couples.... Read more
Rutland Water Expansion
  • 14th May 2008
Pipeline extension and new lagoons for Rutland Water by Lorna Vibert A huge expansion project is now taking place around Rutland Water.... Read more
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