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Local News and Updates
Beautiful asparagus spears
  • 3rd June 2008
Lincolnshire creamy asparagus and the best tasting strawberries.... Read more
Tales of Inebriation
  • 25th June 2008
Drunken antics around the world ...... Read more
The Stamford Corn Exchange Theatre swings with the Best
  • 23rd June 2008
A brilliant evening with the Pasadena Roof Orchestra ...... Read more
No MoT for Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
  • 8th July 2009
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang not allowed to appear in Norwich's parade Read more
Big News from The Big Pink Heart
  • 21st March 2009
Sharon Clephane of BigPinkHeart has been telling us all about the latest developments.... Read more
Plastic Bags - Should We Reuse or Ban?
  • 16th June 2008
Carry a Bag Scheme to start in RutlandRutland Traders are united in their support for the 'Carry-a-bag scheme' which hopes to banish disposable plastic carrier bags by using reusable Rutland bags.... Read more
Join the police - bring your own horse!
  • 7th November 2009
Hertfordshire police think it's a good idea if people with horses join up and use their horse for transport. Read more
Special offer at BDM Applicances
  • 4th September 2008
Here's a superb deal from BDM Appliances down in Gas Street Stamford - a Bosch Washing Machine at an amazingly low price!... Read more
Who wants a tasty breakfast - and a whole lot more?
  • 13th June 2008
As usual there's something special going on at The Fine Food Store.... Read more
Dorset council install microphones to monitor rooster crowing
  • 23rd August 2009
Rural living - complaints about a noisy rooster have led one local council to install microphones so that they can monitor just how loud the crowing of a cockerel is! Read more
Displaying page 8 of 27