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Educational Services in Stevenage
Tanwood Property Partners with HMO-Profit
If you’re looking into Houses of Multiple Occupancy and are wondering how it all works then Tanwood offer educational services to provide guidance on this particular market, how it works and how you can make it profitable. They can also provide education on how to build your property portfolio. While they aren’t able to go as far as providing work experience for you, the service they offer will provide you with everything you need to know to make a success of building a portfolio of Homes of Multiple Occupancy (HMOs).
Simon R said
Tanwood Partners is a great company to deal with if you are looking to get started with an HMO investment. Tracey has expert knowledge on identifying a suitable property, managing the refurbishment and then running the HMO for you. This is a one-stop shop if you want to benefit from the higher returns that HMOs offer but you don't know where to start. We have used Tanwood for two properties and wouldn't hesitate to recommend them.
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