BUY LOCAL In Sudbury... Day 2
3rd June 2015
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I'm onto Day 2 of my BUY LOCAL campaign in and around Sudbury. This is my second year doing this and have to say, it's a real treat. There's nothing more fun than chatting with local business owners and shopping; It makes you feel as if you're part of a great community... which of course, we are!

Last year, I had only just started thebestof Sudbury and threw myself into the whole campaign. I am just as passionate about it, but this time, I'm slightly less organised.

But that doesn't mean it can't be done!

For example, I had planned out what the family were going to eat for week; I'm sorted for today and tomorrow, but after that, I'm winging it! Fortunately, I'm in Sudbury tomorrow and the town market it's on, so I know vegetables and perhaps a Rafi's curry's on the cards.  Boxford has it's own butchers, so grabbing a couple of pounds of chicken won't be a problem & as Friday is looking to be a busy one with me being out and about, the old slow cooker will be put into use.

If you have any seasonal recipes I can try, please leave me a comment. 

I hope you enjoy my photos of some of the local shops and businesses. Do try and support them, because when you shop local, 63p of the £1 goes back into our local economy. And that can only be a good thing

About the Author

Penny W

Member since: 17th March 2014

Hello! I'm Penny from thebestof Sudbury, shouting about the best local businesses from Hadleigh through the Clare. When I'm not doing that, you'll find me knitting socks or tending to my 6 chickens

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