Celebrating 30 years of twinning between Clermont and Sudbury
30th March 2015
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Sudbury-Clermont l’Oise, 30th Anniversary of Town Twinning Over sixty visitors will be in Sudbury April 30th-May 4th to celebrate thirty years of twinning with the French town of Clermont l’Oise.

The Twinning Charters formalising links between the two councils will be ceremonially signed by both Mayors at the Town Hall on Sunday May 3rd, accompanied by Woodhall School Choir and Sudbury’s bagpiper.

Come along to enjoy this historic moment. The connection has brought many benefits to Sudbury  - school exchanges, work experience placements here and in France, sporting events, concerts and language learning, which are all part of the twinning experience.

English and French twinners will be joined by representatives from our twin towns in Germany and Denmark for what promises to be an excellent weekend.  

The Town Twinning Association has arranged a full programme of activities, so  visitors and their host families will be able to enjoy time out and about in Sudbury and further afield.

Sudbury shops will be presenting French-themed window displays, and a Boules competition at The 5 Bells in Cornard will all add to the French atmosphere.

www.sudburytowntwinn.onesuffolk.net www.facebook.com/sudburytowntwinning

About the Author

Penny W

Member since: 17th March 2014

Hello! I'm Penny from thebestof Sudbury, shouting about the best local businesses from Hadleigh through the Clare. When I'm not doing that, you'll find me knitting socks or tending to my 6 chickens

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