ChatGPT for writing website content, things to be wary of
10th November 2023
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In the ever-evolving landscape of digital content creation, AI tools like ChatGPT have emerged as powerful allies for website owners. These AI models can generate content quickly and efficiently, potentially revolutionising how we approach content creation. However, while ChatGPT offers significant advantages, there are important factors to consider ensuring the content meets your website's standards and goals.

Understanding ChatGPT

ChatGPT, developed by OpenAI, is a variant of the GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) language model, designed to understand and generate human-like text based on the input it receives. This technology can be a boon for generating blog ideas, drafting content, and even formulating responses to customer inquiries.

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Benefits of Using ChatGPT


ChatGPT can produce content rapidly, saving valuable time.

Idea Generation

It can provide creative ideas and perspectives you might not have considered.


AI tools can handle a large volume of content production, which is particularly useful for websites with frequent posting schedules. However, Here Are Things to Be Wary Of:

Lack of Personalisation:

AI-generated content can sometimes lack the personal touch that resonates with readers. It's essential to infuse your brand's voice and values into any AI-generated content.

UK English v US English

If your audience is UK English speakers then make sure you correct ChatGPT’s US English bias. Color should be colour, favor should be favour, etc. It can be a bit of a put off for UK English speakers if they keep coming across US English in your text, they may event think you are from the USA when you're not.  So always re-read the output it gives

Accuracy and Reliability:

ChatGPT might not always provide factually accurate information. Always verify the accuracy of the content, especially if it involves technical, legal, or niche-specific topics.

SEO Considerations

While ChatGPT can generate SEO-friendly content, it may not be fully optimised for your specific SEO strategy. Tailoring content to target specific keywords and aligning with the latest SEO trends still requires a human touch.

Duplicate Content Risks:

Since AI models draw from existing online content, there's a risk of generating non-unique content. Use plagiarism checkers to ensure the originality of the content.

Legal and Ethical Considerations

Be mindful of copyright and ethical considerations. AI-generated content should not infringe on intellectual property rights.

Lack of Emotional Intelligence

You could say this of some people but AI might not effectively capture emotional nuances or appropriately address sensitive topics. A human editor is crucial to ensure the content is empathetic and contextually appropriate. 

 ChatGPT is an undeniably powerful tool for website content creation. It can streamline the writing process and foster creative content development. However, the key to leveraging ChatGPT effectively lies in using it as a complement to human creativity and oversight. By being aware of its limitations and combining its strengths with human expertise, you can create rich, engaging, and reliable content for your website.

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About the Author

Abbie Thoms

Member since: 31st July 2014

Website designer, website hosting and SEO

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